Friday, July 15, 2016

Health update

Hello Dear Ones!
As I logged in to update you on the next phase in my cancer journey, I realized I haven't been on here since March! So let me esplain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. (he he)

So it took about two months to finish the expansion. It was not too bad of a process. Mostly uncomfortable but not really painful. And in the middle of it I started the hormone blocker Tamoxifen.

I was very thankful I didn't need chemo or radiation. And, if the funky little tumor cluster wasn't in my lymph nodes, I wouldn't have to take the medicine. But alas, that was not the case. It's not so bad taking the little white pill each day. Just a few side effects that are annoying but not harmful.

My doctor likes to wait 6 months with the expanders so they get real comfy before changing out the expanders for the implants. They are pretty uncomfortable, especially when I sleep so I'm ready to see these go! And today I had my pre-op exam. SO..... August 1st is my phase 2 surgery. It won't be as extensive as the last one but it's still major surgery and it will still take time to recover.

I'm thankful for friends who will take care of me and the kids for the first few days. And I should be back to semi-normal by the time school starts on the 18th. :)

On the non-cancer front, the kids finished the school year and we started summer vacation quietly. The waterpark, creek days and hanging out with friends pretty much sums it up so far. The kids headed to Hume Lake for church camp last Sunday and I am excited to see them tomorrow. I enjoyed my time alone but I'm definitely ready for some house noise again. :)

Next week, Jehnie and the girls come for a visit and will be here a little over a week! I'm so looking forward to hugging my grandkids and hanging with Jehnie!!! When she goes home, I head for surgery, so that will be the end of the summer fun.

That's all for now. Thankful for each one of you! Your love and prayers mean so much!

Fully Trusting Him,