Monday, December 21, 2015

Home and Happy

First of all I'm positive that prayer works! I'm praising God for all of your prayers! You all tapped into God's healing power and I'm reaping the benefits of your prayers! 

I am completely blessed by the doctors God has given me. Both the surgeon and the plastic surgeon are Christians and prayed with me before surgery! The surgery lasted a bit longer than they thought but I woke up just fine and was up and walking a couple of hours after surgery and then home Saturday by noon. I'm definitely in a lot of pain but the meds they gave me are keeping it tolerable. It's better every day. I feel like I can move another part of me easier every day. 

Sat and Sun my sis in love Sherry cared for me so wonderfully while the kids were gone. Both the kids and dogs were kept by friends an extra night and everyone came home this morning. The extra night was actually really good for me, I was able to nap quite a bit.  She will be missed when she goes home Wed.

Now that the kids and fur kids are home I'm finding myself up more (it's a good thing). They are doing great at helping Aunt Sherry with house stuff and me with resting and filling my water or getting things out of my reach. The dogs are a great blanket!

I can't say enough how much I appreciate and love each and every one of you! God has blessed me richly with family and friends. I know thank you isn't adequate but for now it's all I have.

Prayer requests:
**Continued healing for me. Pray the drains come out sooner than later.
**For the kids to have good attitudes and helpful hearts.
**The Love of Jesus would shine in and from this home to all who come by.

Merry Christmas!
Fully Trusting Him,

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Some of you asked about providing meals.  My church had set up the link.

Please don't feel obligated to sign up. I'm very thankful for the many who are willing to help in many different ways and for all the prayers.

Fully trusting him,

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Beginning of the End

It's good to have an end in mind. At least I think so when it comes to this cancer journey. My end is two years. The plastic surgeon's goal is in two years I won't be thinking about cancer or reconstruction or any of it. It helps to have an end goal when you know the beginning will be rough. 

My surgery is scheduled for Friday December 18th. A 3 hour surgery and an overnight stay at the Ritz (maybe two) and I'll be home recovering while the kids are out of school for the Christmas break. This will start the beginning of the end. 


Thankful? Seems hard at time but I am thankful for many things. 

This past week we were blessed to spend some wonderful time with Jehnie and the girls, 5 Sisters-in-love (Jeff's included in that 5) and their families. We had snow, a 5k fun run, lots of good food and wonderful fellowship family time. 

It may sound weird but I am thankful my kids are wrestling with this cancer journey with me. It's giving me opportunities to model relying on God and His WORD for comfort. Only God really knows the outcome of this surgery. We all need to TRUST Him for provision even if the worst happens. 

Psalm 31:14-15
But I trust in you, LORD!
I will say, "You are my God!"
My times are in your hands.

I'm thankful for the wonderful doctors. Even the natural med doctor (who I love!) confirmed my decision for surgery and gave me guidance to get my health on track and working properly.

Thankful that my daughter is getting on the low/no sugar life. She's finding she feels better and when she had a piece of candy today it didn't sit well with her. 

Thankful for Jimmy's mentor who's available and encouraging to Jimmy.

One of my sis-in-loves is coming to stay with me after surgery. YAY!

The myriad of people at church who offer to help and really mean it. I love this church family!

For a friend who has volunteered to clean my house. What a blessing!


How can you pray?

A typical, if not speedy, recovery would be nice. It's not going to be pleasant but I'm praying for no complications and quick healing.

Energy for Christmas. I'm almost ready. Decorations up, presents bought. I just need to wrap before the 18th and I'll be done. But on Christmas Day I pray I am able to participate in the family time.

That the kids would have a fun weekend with friends while I have surgery. That they won't worry too much.

That this time in the hospital would give me even more opportunities to share Jesus.


How can you help?

My church will set up meals to provide if that's your gifting. I'll post the link here when it's set up.

If you want to take one or both of my kids along with yours for a fun outing during Christmas break they would love it!

Rides for the kids. Youth group and karate are the main two I can think of.


I leave you with these final thoughts from Psalm 13. It starts out very grim but I love the ending verses. Such hope!

This Psalm spoke volumes to me when Jim died and replacing 'enemies' with grief or cancer helps me put my specific struggles into God's unfailing, loving, trustworthy hands.

Psalm 13
How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
    How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
    and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
    How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Look on me and answer, Lord my God.
    Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,
    and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
But I trust in your unfailing love;
    my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord’s praise,
    for he has been good to me.

Thank you all! Love you tons!

Fully Trusting Him,

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Decisions, decisions and more decisions!

Hello All!

It's been a while... I've done a lot of research and spent a ton of time in prayer over these past few weeks since finding out the cancer is still there. I'll just lay it out what I've decided and what is still left to decide. So sit back and get comfy cuz this is long.

Decision #1 Mastectomy is the choice I'm making. I'm pulling and Angelina Jolie, as Jehnie would say. There is a possibility that the cancer could show up in the other breast and I do not want to have to go through this twice so off with them both! 

Decision #2 Reconstruction... seems simple enough. Make new ones to replace the bad ones. I get to decide whether I want implants or tissue transplant. 

So I decided this ^^^ before I went to the Oncologist last Monday. I like him very much and appreciate his explanations and bedside manner. The tumor cells in my lymph nodes are so small that they are an unknown. The ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) by nature does not break off and travel so what ever is in the lymph nodes tells him that there may be something else in that breast which is another good reason to take it off. By removing everything I will NOT need radiation for which I'm very thankful. He did say I should take a hormone blocking pill for 5 years. I'm not thrilled about it and still haven't made my decision about that.

Yesterday I saw the Plastic Surgeon and was pretty overwhelmed when I left her office. She was very optimistic that I could get good results with reconstruction. Some hopes were dashed and some benefits were found out. Like I said before I have two options for reconstruction.

The option I was really interested in was the tissue transfer. It's where they take belly fat to make new breasts. Sounded like a double bonus until she explained that the procedure is really more like a transplant. It's a 10-12  hour microscopic surgery to attach blood vessels and it's a week long hospital stay in ICU to watch for signs of rejection. Once the surgery is done I'll probably not need another one. The results feel more life like but there is a possibility one or both sides could reject and then I'm back to square one. Also, if I gain or lose weight (I'm working on the latter) you guessed it... I'd gain/lose there as well. I went in thinking this was ideal and came out thinking not so much.
Implants are just that silicone or saline put in to replace what is taken out. That requires two surgeries. One to do the mastectomy and put in tissue expanders to make room for the implant. Every week the expanders get increased until it's the size I want then I wait for 6 months to let the skin adjust to the new shape. The other to put the implants in. It a long process starting with an overnight stay in the hospital and I'll be limited in movement and lifting weight. There is follow up surgeries to adjust and shape and it's possible I'd need them replaced at some point down the road but that's 10+ years and it's not common. (Side note: I may be pulling an Angelina but I'm not pulling a Dolly, ha!)

Decision #3 Implants. For me it's the best choice. 

One of the things she said that I appreciated, but was a 'dashed hope', was her goal is two years. Her goal is that by the two year mark I wouldn't be thinking about my reconstruction, my cancer, surgery. I hoped that I'd have one surgery to take out the bad and put in the new and be done. But she said if I do it that way results aren't as good than if I would take the 6 months to expand and rest before implants. So the journey continues and hopefully by next Christmas I'll be completely done. ;)

I have two more appointments next week. One with my surgeon and one with the natural medicine doctor to start boosting my immune system. I'll try to update again after that.

Now there are some very valid reasons to be depressed or upset or sad with this news.  Like the fact that I cannot keep what fed and nurtured my babies. Or I will lose most of the feeling in my breasts. Does that define me as a mother or a woman?  Should it matter? Well, whether it should or not, it does. I know who I am in Christ and I'm confident in my femininity but there is a part of me that will be grieving the loss of this part of me. I've already grieved the loss of part of my heart when God called Jim home and now I will need to grieve losing what can define a woman/wife/mother. I feel silly saying it but I know that when I looked in the mirror after the lumpectomy I was shocked and a little sad I wouldn't look the same ever again. It's going to be significantly greater this time. 

That's all for now. Thank you for continuing to pray for me and the kids. I truly feel your prayers and I'm so grateful for your love and support. God is still good and He loves me and I'll never stop loving Him.

Fully Trusting Him,

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

God is still God...

Well it's been two weeks since surgery and I'm healing nicely. The surgery day was just what I'd prayed for. Lots of joy and sharing love with those around us. Good techs, nurses and doctors around me. I felt peace. 

Recovery has gone smoothly as well. I've very little pain and every day I'm getting more energy. I'm almost back to normal. God is so good!

I had my follow up yesterday from surgery. I had determined in my mind, since I didn't hear from the doctor about the pathology, they didn't find anything. The cancer was gone and I was going to tell the doctor that since I'm now cancer free I'm choosing to not do radiation but instead build my immune system naturally to keep any cancer from coming back. Both my friends who have walked with me on this journey weren't able to make it but I knew I'd be ok. I was confident that this was the end of my cancer journey.

God has other plans for me. The cancer spot measured on the mammogram was 0.6cm the lump the doctor removed was 6.0cm. Plenty of room to get clear boarders right? Sadly that is not the case. Apparently I'm not done with my cancer journey so please pray for wisdom as to my next course of treatments. Thankfully, I have options and I'm prayerfully considering each one. I know no matter what I choose God is still in control, my true friends and family will support me, and I'm going to praise God no matter what.

My top three choices are:
another lumpectomy hoping to get clear boarders
mastectomy with reconstruction
a cancer treatment center for less or non-invasive treatment

I know many may have polar opposite opinions on the best course of action for me but I'm prayerfully and carefully considering MY options and the best plan for ME and my kids. The best thing you can do for me is to pray. For wisdom, peace, healing, faith, determination, and anything else God brings to your mind. 

Lamentations 3:19-25

I remember my affliction and my wandering,
    the bitterness and the gall.
I well remember them,
    and my soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind
    and therefore I have HOPE:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;

I will say you are my GOD; I trust in You! 
My life is in Your hands. Psalm 31:14-15

Do not grieve, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

His Loving Kindness Endures Forever! Psalm 136

God is still God... He is NOT surprised by this nor has He abandoned me to it. I will continue to TRUST Him and rely on HIS Word as a promise to NEVER leave me or forsake me.

GOD'S GOT THIS and I'm going to continue to kick cancer in the big fat A**!!!!

Fully Trusting Him,

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Surgery update

Hello Dear Followers,

It's been a few days and my head has cleared from the loopy drugs enough to put words in a coherent order :) Actually it wasn't that bad, however, I did NOT sign any important papers while taking said drugs nor did I drive anything but my dogs crazy (when they want to play and you have just enough energy to fill up your water bottle) But they too will survive!

I want to thank you all for praying! From the start of surgery day to the end all went great! If you can say that about having surgery. 

The two procedures: Marking the lumpectomy site and marking the lymph node went as planned and since I was done earlier than expected they bumped up my surgery 2 hours. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!!! The doctor said everything went fine and I should know the pathology results soon. I'm still trusting GOD for there to be no more cancer!

I woke up Monday morning with the phrase "the Joy of the Lord is My Strength" then when Mindy picked me up she prayed we would have lots of laughter. I had many opportunities to share love, joy and laughter throughout the day. From hugs for nurses and 80 yo candy stripers to jokes about all the wonderful jewelry and fancy clothing I was privileged to wear. And who can forget the dance party in the elevator! The giggles, jokes and laughs made the hunger pangs seem like nothing... actually that's a lie! I was so hunger and no one would come to my aid. Some people!

Divine appointments came as well, Just mentioning Jesus' name or prayer opened doors for talking about Jesus. I even got one of the tech guys to play Christian music while he mapped my node. :0) 

I was home mid afternoon and tried and tried to sleep but it would not happen. So Mindy and I watched TV and chatted and I had dinner YUM. Thinking I would sleep all night I "took two and call me in the morning" pills. I did sleep some but not soundly. Which is really weird for me because strong pain meds usually knock me out. But Tuesday and last night I slept really well and napped too. :) 

I'm actually feeling really good today. Of course the pain from surgery is still there but I'm up and about and plan to take the kids to a movie today. I'm sure I'll need a nap after that but it will be good to get out. 

That's all for now. I should know today (I think) about the pathology results and I'll follow up in a couple of weeks with the surgeon to check my healing. Then in a month I'll start radiation. 

*Things for which  I'm thankful:

**My kids are home. I think that may have been part of the reason I didn't sleep. <3 font="">

***Friends who stay with me, bring meals (delicious!), pray, call and text! I love you all and I'm so thankful God brought us together!

****My doctors and nurses who expertly cared for me.

Fully Trusting Him,

Friday, October 9, 2015

Good News and A Longer Day

I'm starting off with things I'm thankful for:

   Scripture! It's always been my lifeline and this week is no exception. See below what God's been teaching me.
   My appts went well and I was even able to take my mom to here 1 year follow up from two knee replacements. All is good with her and she doesn't need to go back for 4 years!
   The kids are doing well even though we've had a few rough moments this week. I think we're all tired of waiting for this to get started and definitely can't wait for it to be over.

   For the MANY, MANY people here and around the world who are praying for me. I feel it and I'm humbled.


It's been a tough week. Appointments and kids and parents all needing my attention and there were several days I didn't want to think about ANYTHING especially not cancer or being ready for Monday. It seemed that this week, a bunch of little details that needed my attention kept popping up. As soon as one was done there was another thing in the mail to do. Not know how I'm going to feel next week creates this sense of urgency to get it done!

BUT... our gracious God has reminded me over and over to seek Him first. In my Bible Study Group today, Matt Chandler was talking about Colossians 3:1-10. Set my mind on things above and then put to death what is earthly in you. For so long, my pattern has been backward. This was a fresh perspective on an age old problem for me. "Do away with the bad and then focus on the godly" Well, that's not God's prescription for putting to death what is earthly in me. He says to seek the things of God and set my mind there. Then the earthly ways in me, the worry, short temper, need to control, selfishness will diminish. The old Hymn Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus has a chorus that rings true...

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

I can Fully Trust Him to keep His promises. And the promise I'm clinging to right now is that though my earthly self is struggling with parenting, cancer, life right now, when I turn my eyes to Him they fall away. Now they don't GO away because even this afternoon they are very much still there. But my perspective soon becomes His. I can thank Him and praise Him for the trials because they keep me trusting Him for strength and peace. And HIS PEACE is way better, more fulfilling, more complete than anything this world has to offer. A peace that passes earthly understanding. Thank You JESUS!

Now on to details:

Tuesday's MRI was definitely an experience. I'd take a mammogram any day over an MRI. It's not one I'd like to repeat but I made it through. The good news is that the cancer isn't heading toward the nipple so I get to keep it! And that also means it's still a lumpectomy and nothing more. Answered prayer for sure! THANK YOU LORD! 

Radiation Oncology appt was very informative and it looks like I'll start the radiation process about 4 weeks after surgery. They will make a mold for me to lay on so I'm in the same position for every treatment and take a bunch of measurements to get the right settings and then a week later the treatments start. 5 days a week for 6 weeks puts me being finished just before New Years. 

I was on the phone quite a bit today with registration and pre-op stuff but I'm all ready to show up at 6:30 Monday morning for a 2:30 surgery. I know it's WAY TOO EARLY but there are two procedures to do beforehand and my original surgery time was bumped from 1pm. That just means someone is worse off than me and needed my slot. PRAISE JESUS!

Pray I really listen to my body and do what's best for me. I'm going to go one of two ways... Not move at all (which is not good) or do too much (which is really bad). I need to find a balance of getting around without over doing.

Pray the kids sleep well at their friend's house Sunday and Monday nights. That they can focus on school and not worry too much. That they will have understanding teachers if they need someone to talk to.

Pray for everyone I come in contact with Monday. I want to ooze Jesus and cause people to ask me why and be bold enough to share His love with them.

I love you all! Thanks for praying!

Fully Trusting Him,

Monday, October 5, 2015

Still on Track

I thought I'd give you a little update.

I have my MRI tomorrow, please pray I can hold still for the 30-60 min I'll be in the tube. I've had an MRI on my knee before but I was face up and feet first then. This time I'm going to be face down and head first. I'm not a stomach sleeper so this is going to be a challenge. Most likely uncomfortable but not un-doable :)

Wednesday I have my Radiation Oncologist Consultation to see what kind and how long of radiation I'll need. I get that this is the best treatment plan for my kind of cancer but really don't want to have it. So the least amount to do the best job.

This week is full of putting things in order and taking care of details so your prayers for good time management and clear thinking would be appreciated.

Surgery is still scheduled for Monday October 12th. I show up at 6am but surgery is at 1pm.

Things I'm thankful for:
My time away with my Texas girlfriends. This weekend was scheduled back in July before my diagnosis but God's timing for this getaway was perfect. I reconnected with dear friends, relaxed, laughed and was blessed.

My Sis-in-LOVE Jennifer for SPOILING my kids this weekend! I think we have enough sweets and toys in the house to last till Christmas!

My church! They have set up meals for me after surgery, signed me up for the card ministry that sends encouragement for cancer patients, and sent me multiple emails letting me know they are praying for me.

Mindy! She's going with me to my RadOnc appt AND taking me to the hospital for surgery AND spending the night with me!!! YOU ROCK!

My carpool Moms who've taken over carpool for the week of surgery.

God is still in control and I'm awed once again at His peace that has washed over me!

Love you all and thanks for praying!

Fully Trusting Him,

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Roller Coaster

Ever since I found out about the cancer I've had the "normal" roller coaster ride of emotions. Telling Jehnie was really hard and we cried through most of it. But being at church and being prayed for over and over made me cry too but it is such an overwhelming blessing I don't think I can describe it. I continue to have a peace from God that supersedes any emotion I have. I know he's in control and He's going to use it for His glory some how. I believe I'm going to be ok, more than ok... better for it having happened! This past Sunday, Pastor Lance said something that struck a chord with me about the results of our church's Worship Prayer and Healing night. He said when we don't see God move the way we think or hope He would, it's not that He's saying NO. He's saying it's better for you to go through this than if I heal you.(paraphrased) It's really about my spiritual growth and becoming more like Jesus. That is far more important to Him than my physical healing. YIKES!!! That was HUGE to me! It gives me courage and hope and excitement! Let's see what God's gonna do!
It amazes me how fast things move once a few referrals are made. By the end of the day Monday I have the major parts scheduled. I give specifics here cuz I've got some family that like the details ;) You know who you are ;)

EKG Thursday 10/1
MRI and labs Tuesday 10/6
Surgery and two prep procedures 10/12 I have to be at the hospital at 6 am but the surgery is scheduled for 1 pm!!! YIKES! I really don't like early mornings so pray for me HA!

The surgery is only about 45 min and it's out patient so I'll be home that evening.

I've already worked out carpool and childcare with the moms from school and I think I have my rides all figured out. And my sister is going to be there if my parents need something. God is so good!!!
When we moved to Texas 13 years ago, God provided a group of women who became my family when my family was so far away. These ladies walked me through becoming a mom, a miscarriage, job loss, seminary, moving twice, another baby, Jim's death, real life stuff. I walked with them as well. That's what family does! I haven't seen them in over three years but that's going to change this weekend. We're having a reunion and the timing couldn't have been more perfect! I'm planning on soaking up love and relaxing for three days in preparation for the crazy journey ahead.

When I think about the people in my life, past and present, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the rich, deep friends God have given me in each season and place. Some have come and gone. But there are a handful who are still around no matter how many miles or years are between us. You know who you are and I love you!!!

Fully Trusting Him,

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The next big thing

Who knew (God did) when I started this blog after Jim died that I'd ever  need it again? I figured this was the easiest way to get all the information out to my friends and family who want to know.
So... I have breast cancer. As far as cancers go... I picked a good one. :) Ductal Carcinoma InSitu (DCIS). It's the kind that is encapsulated in the duct and (as far as they know) CAN'T SPREAD!!!! YAY!!! And after meeting with the surgeon today I found out even more...

Here's what I know:
** can't break through the duct (apparently some can but since they don't know which ones will they treat all with a lumpectomy or mastectomy. my choice) I'm choosing a lumpectomy.

** it 6mm high grade (high grade means more likely to reoccur)

** they will take a sample from the lymph node to as a precaution and combined with the tumor will determine the stage of cancer.

** I will need radiation therapy so I will meet with a Radiation Oncologist to discuss what that looks like.

** I can choose to have a mastectomy but personally I think that's overkill considering the type of     cancer I have. Even though it was tempting to "get a whole new rack" as Suzzanne put it. HA!

** I will be having an MRI so the surgeon can get a clear picture and see exactly what we're dealing with and if it's going in one direction or another. If it's heading into the aereola that will need to be     removed. (that would be a bummer so pray it's not!)

** The surgery itself is outpatient and will only last about 45 min. My downtime will be about 2       weeks.

Things that have to happen before surgery:
EKG and blood work
ultrasound of the lymph nodes
insert a marker that leaves a wire sticking out (doesn't sound fun but its done the day of surgery)

I am very thankful for:

Mindy and Suzzanne who went with me to the appt and asked questions I hadn't even thought of and made me laugh. Mindy took notes so I wouldn't forget what they said! THEY WERE AWESOME!

My Surgeon (Christian Swanson) is a Christian with a wonderful bedside manner and a good sense of humor!

I have a patient navigator, named Marie, who got me an earlier appt and will guide me through this from the medical side.

I think I've covered everything but if you have a question please ask below.

Fully Trusting Him,