Thursday, October 15, 2015

Surgery update

Hello Dear Followers,

It's been a few days and my head has cleared from the loopy drugs enough to put words in a coherent order :) Actually it wasn't that bad, however, I did NOT sign any important papers while taking said drugs nor did I drive anything but my dogs crazy (when they want to play and you have just enough energy to fill up your water bottle) But they too will survive!

I want to thank you all for praying! From the start of surgery day to the end all went great! If you can say that about having surgery. 

The two procedures: Marking the lumpectomy site and marking the lymph node went as planned and since I was done earlier than expected they bumped up my surgery 2 hours. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!!! The doctor said everything went fine and I should know the pathology results soon. I'm still trusting GOD for there to be no more cancer!

I woke up Monday morning with the phrase "the Joy of the Lord is My Strength" then when Mindy picked me up she prayed we would have lots of laughter. I had many opportunities to share love, joy and laughter throughout the day. From hugs for nurses and 80 yo candy stripers to jokes about all the wonderful jewelry and fancy clothing I was privileged to wear. And who can forget the dance party in the elevator! The giggles, jokes and laughs made the hunger pangs seem like nothing... actually that's a lie! I was so hunger and no one would come to my aid. Some people!

Divine appointments came as well, Just mentioning Jesus' name or prayer opened doors for talking about Jesus. I even got one of the tech guys to play Christian music while he mapped my node. :0) 

I was home mid afternoon and tried and tried to sleep but it would not happen. So Mindy and I watched TV and chatted and I had dinner YUM. Thinking I would sleep all night I "took two and call me in the morning" pills. I did sleep some but not soundly. Which is really weird for me because strong pain meds usually knock me out. But Tuesday and last night I slept really well and napped too. :) 

I'm actually feeling really good today. Of course the pain from surgery is still there but I'm up and about and plan to take the kids to a movie today. I'm sure I'll need a nap after that but it will be good to get out. 

That's all for now. I should know today (I think) about the pathology results and I'll follow up in a couple of weeks with the surgeon to check my healing. Then in a month I'll start radiation. 

*Things for which  I'm thankful:

**My kids are home. I think that may have been part of the reason I didn't sleep. <3 font="">

***Friends who stay with me, bring meals (delicious!), pray, call and text! I love you all and I'm so thankful God brought us together!

****My doctors and nurses who expertly cared for me.

Fully Trusting Him,

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