Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Beginning of the End

It's good to have an end in mind. At least I think so when it comes to this cancer journey. My end is two years. The plastic surgeon's goal is in two years I won't be thinking about cancer or reconstruction or any of it. It helps to have an end goal when you know the beginning will be rough. 

My surgery is scheduled for Friday December 18th. A 3 hour surgery and an overnight stay at the Ritz (maybe two) and I'll be home recovering while the kids are out of school for the Christmas break. This will start the beginning of the end. 


Thankful? Seems hard at time but I am thankful for many things. 

This past week we were blessed to spend some wonderful time with Jehnie and the girls, 5 Sisters-in-love (Jeff's included in that 5) and their families. We had snow, a 5k fun run, lots of good food and wonderful fellowship family time. 

It may sound weird but I am thankful my kids are wrestling with this cancer journey with me. It's giving me opportunities to model relying on God and His WORD for comfort. Only God really knows the outcome of this surgery. We all need to TRUST Him for provision even if the worst happens. 

Psalm 31:14-15
But I trust in you, LORD!
I will say, "You are my God!"
My times are in your hands.

I'm thankful for the wonderful doctors. Even the natural med doctor (who I love!) confirmed my decision for surgery and gave me guidance to get my health on track and working properly.

Thankful that my daughter is getting on the low/no sugar life. She's finding she feels better and when she had a piece of candy today it didn't sit well with her. 

Thankful for Jimmy's mentor who's available and encouraging to Jimmy.

One of my sis-in-loves is coming to stay with me after surgery. YAY!

The myriad of people at church who offer to help and really mean it. I love this church family!

For a friend who has volunteered to clean my house. What a blessing!


How can you pray?

A typical, if not speedy, recovery would be nice. It's not going to be pleasant but I'm praying for no complications and quick healing.

Energy for Christmas. I'm almost ready. Decorations up, presents bought. I just need to wrap before the 18th and I'll be done. But on Christmas Day I pray I am able to participate in the family time.

That the kids would have a fun weekend with friends while I have surgery. That they won't worry too much.

That this time in the hospital would give me even more opportunities to share Jesus.


How can you help?

My church will set up meals to provide if that's your gifting. I'll post the link here when it's set up.

If you want to take one or both of my kids along with yours for a fun outing during Christmas break they would love it!

Rides for the kids. Youth group and karate are the main two I can think of.


I leave you with these final thoughts from Psalm 13. It starts out very grim but I love the ending verses. Such hope!

This Psalm spoke volumes to me when Jim died and replacing 'enemies' with grief or cancer helps me put my specific struggles into God's unfailing, loving, trustworthy hands.

Psalm 13
How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
    How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
    and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
    How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Look on me and answer, Lord my God.
    Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,
    and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
But I trust in your unfailing love;
    my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord’s praise,
    for he has been good to me.

Thank you all! Love you tons!

Fully Trusting Him,

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