Saturday, April 3, 2010


Hello, it was suggested to start writing my thoughts and such to help with processing Jim's death and my feelings. So here I go...

It's been 4 weeks since Jim went to be with Jesus. I can't believe how empty my life is without him. Part of me is gone and I don't know what to do. Fortunately I have two lifelines keeping me going.

First, without Jesus Christ in my life I would be a wreck. It's only by His grace that I can stand and praise my God even in the worst of circumstances. He has been my sustainer and the source of my hope. From the beginging His heartbeat continued to be all I can hear since my is broken. Praise God for his Word and his kids who have supported me in amaxzing ways. He is my faithful Father and Friend.

Second, is my kids. If I didn't have them to take care of I probably would still be in bed. They give me a reason to get up and carry on with life.

This Easter has more significance to me now that I've lost Jim... The hope of the resurrection is truer more than ever before. Looking forward to Jesus' return also means I'll see Jim again too!

Come LORD quickly!

Thanks for listening and walking this journey with me. -Karla


  1. I think about you every time I hear the Matthew West song "Save a Place for Me."
    It might be too early for you to watch it. I went through the death of my best friend in High school, though not as hard as a beloved spouse, songs like this actually gave me comfort. Listen if you want, but grab some tissues first. :) Love you Karla. Still wish I could give you a hug and cry with you.

  2. Joanie- I've heard the song on KLove and Jehnie wanted it played at the memorial. Thanks for sharing. Matthew West actually has a website to post stories of friends/family you've lost. love you!

  3. Karla,
    I've been praying for you--as especially thinking about you during this Easter celebration--thinking about the difference His resurrection made--giving us hope and a future!!
    I'll look forward to following your blog.

  4. Karla: I pray to God daily that He will comfort you and ease your pain. I think the blog is a great idea. God bless you and the kids. Mary

  5. I continue to pray for you, Karla. May God's hope fill you as we look forward to His coming. I will be following your blog too. Love you.
    Christy Mund

  6. Karla,
    This is nice. I think it will be a good way to process and share. You and the kids are never far from my thoughts & prayers!

  7. Karla,
    I think this blog will be a great outlet for you. It will also help all of us that want to help you so much to know where you are at and what you may need. I wish I would have journaled all these years. I know I would see much growth in myself. Though it may be hard to see will also see much healing as the days, months, years go by! I am so glad you have Jesus! And yes, your kids keep you going and give you a reason for going on. Britney and Brigham have been that to me. Love, Twila
